Dr Pol 40lb Beef and Brown Rice
Made in the USA

Incredi-Pol Favorites Beef & Brown Rice Dog Food

Dr. Pol Incredi-Pol Favorites Beef and Brown Rice Recipe Dog Food is an irresistibly tasty, nutritionally complete kibble your pup will love! Real beef is the #1 ingredient, offering a high-quality source of protein to maintain muscle function. Every bite is packed full of vitamins and minerals, with brown rice to support digestion and vegetables to strengthen your dog’s immune system. Complete with natural ingredients, you can feel confident that you are giving your dog a balanced, healthy food that will keep them running back for more! With more than 50 years of experience, compassion and love for animals, Dr. Pol’s favorite animal is still a healthy animal. That’s why Dr. Pol Incredi-Pol Favorites are incredible foods – they’re veterinarian formulated with real ingredients for incredible pets.

  • A 40lb bag of 100% nutritionally complete and balanced food your dog will love
  • Beef is the first ingredient, because your canine companion deserves the best
  • Brown rice is included as a nutritious source of fiber with vegetables to strengthen immunity
  • Made with vitamins and minerals for wholesome nutrition, without wheat, corn, or soy
  • Veterinarian formulated for all life stages and dog breeds

Made with ingredients to support

Now Available at select Costco Stores