Welcome to the Incredible Pol Farm!
Join Charles and Beth Pol as they share why they’re starting a farm and sharing their experiences with the world. From seeds to bees and cows to plows, discover with the Pols how life changing the process of farming is.
Incredi-Pol Cast – Episode 8: The Pol Shebang
Farming is a lot like life – an experience! On this season’s last episode, Beth [...]
Listen NowFeb
Incredi-Pol Cast – Episode 7: Are Ewe Pregnant?
Will the mary-inos have little lambs? On this episode, Charles and Beth are joined by [...]
Listen NowFeb
Incredi-Pol Cast – Episode 6: On Polden Pond
When times get rocky, you lean on your family (and maybe some of Charles’ rocks)! [...]
Listen NowFeb
Incredi-Pol Cast – Episode 5: Barn Storming
Welcome back to the fifth episode of the Incredible Polcast! Charles is joined by Ben, [...]
Listen NowJan
Incredi-Pol Cast – Episode 4: Herd The News
Lights, camera, sheep hut! Beth and Charles are joined by executive producers John and Emily [...]
Listen NowJan
Incredi-Pol Cast – Episode 3: Haymakers
Hay is for horses! (And the rest of the farm, too!) In this hay-packed episode, [...]
Listen NowJan
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